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Melanie in Shawl

Episode 178 – Back for the Holidays

  Melanie is back, with some help from Savvy Mum, to start things off again with some knitting and holiday chat. The podcast will be out regularly again from now on, so take your knitting sticks out of your ears (or wherever else you keep them), and start listening!

Episode 176 – Edmonton, Regina, and Edinburgh: Oh My!

Melanie is on tour again:  To Edmonton, Regina and then all the way to Edinburgh Scotland!  And luckily, she has some friends along the way to help her podcast.  This episode features: Savvy Mum Christine – the lost interview Barbara from Edinburgh *** Photos of Barbara’s wonderful knitting bag

Melanie and Christing

Episode 174 – The City That Rhymes With Fun

Melanie podcasts with some help with Regina crocheter Christine!  Discussions include: Bringing back words, Christine’s 30-before-30 goals, Melanie’s new show: “We’ll Meet Again: Vera Lynn, the Forces’ Sweetheart), crochet (I know, right?), and Melanie’s knitting.  A summer of adventure and podcasts begin!   *** Crocheted Guinea Pig Gerbil: “Heart Shaped” …

Melanie in Chad

Episode 173 – Back in the Saddle

The Savvy Girls (well, Melanie), are back!  And podcasting regularly again (Barring more unexpected vocal rest).  After a worldwide tour, including: (Taiwan, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, England, Czech Republic, Chad and Sudan), Melanie is chatting about travel, updates and knitting!*   *Okay, who are we kidding?  There is not THAT much …