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Episode 154 – Licence to Knit

Savvy Mom joined Melanie in this episode to chat and to be part of a knitting-themed (and somewhat risqué) play about a certain British spy. Other links from this episode: Boxing Day The Highway Hat Girlfriend in a Coma (novel) ilk milquetoast ejaculation (grammar) Christopher Columbus! Jumping Jehoshaphat Christmas Bird …

Challah Chanukiah

Episode 153 – Argle-Bargle

Savvy Mom joins Melanie to answer some listener questions. They also bring back some words: – keek – argle-bargle – ingurgitate Melanie’s cute little sparrow has her own Facebook page!

Melanie and Colette

Episode 152 – Holiday Mixtapes

Deborah is out of the country for work, so Melanie’s on her own for this one. In case you haven’t heard, the the Savvy Girls are now on YouTube! We’ve been posting some informal video extras. Check it out and subscribe! She talks about her recent documentary and music video …

Maple Cotton Candy!

Episode 150 – Return to Rhinebeck

The girls went back to the NY State Sheep Sheep And Wool Festival! This time, Savvy Mom, Deborah’s friend, and a couple small animals tagged along. After the festival they sat down for a chat with designer and friend Joji Locatelli.