Episode 20 – Podcasting from the Podium

It’s the 2010 Ravelympics, and the Savvy Girls are off and knitting.

Deborah knits almost every second of every day to ensure victory for Team Canada, whilst Melanie toils away on her socks of evil.

Deborah’s competing with the February Fitted Pullover, and so many dishcloths…
Melanie’s projects follow more of a theme (can you figure it out?): Squeaky Socks, Squeaky Sweater, and Guccsqueaki Purse.

Also, Deborah’s got some BIG news! What is it? Listen to find out!

Introducing Ask A Savvy Girl:
Do you have any questions about anything?
…Why is the sky blue?… Why does the dryer monster eat socks?…
Whatever the pressing inquiry, the Savvy Girls can help! Ask away in the comments, or on the Ravelry discussion board.

Then, both Melanie and Deborah record their innermost thoughts and feelings in their Ravelympics Yarn Diary. Deborah (of course) talks about more knitting, while Melanie tells all about the commercial shoot she starred in, in her own apartment.

Music from the episode:
Victory – The Pirate Movie
Pumpin’ and Blowin’ – The Pirate Movie
Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady – Iolanthe
2010 Olympic Theme

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