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Melanie and Christing

Episode 174 – The City That Rhymes With Fun

Melanie podcasts with some help with Regina crocheter Christine!  Discussions include: Bringing back words, Christine’s 30-before-30 goals, Melanie’s new show: “We’ll Meet Again: Vera Lynn, the Forces’ Sweetheart), crochet (I know, right?), and Melanie’s knitting.  A summer of adventure and podcasts begin!   *** Crocheted Guinea Pig Gerbil: “Heart Shaped” …

Melanie in Chad

Episode 173 – Back in the Saddle

The Savvy Girls (well, Melanie), are back!  And podcasting regularly again (Barring more unexpected vocal rest).  After a worldwide tour, including: (Taiwan, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, England, Czech Republic, Chad and Sudan), Melanie is chatting about travel, updates and knitting!*   *Okay, who are we kidding?  There is not THAT much …