Episode 148 – The Scottish Podcast
Melanie went to Edinburgh, Scotland for a month to perform in the Fringe Festival. That’s pretty much what this episode is about. Well, that and the bird.
Melanie went to Edinburgh, Scotland for a month to perform in the Fringe Festival. That’s pretty much what this episode is about. Well, that and the bird.
Melanie talks about her fringe shows and her knitting, Deborah talks about what’s on her needles and everything else she’s been up to.
In this episode, Melanie visits Prague and the UK. She chats with the ladies from Pom Pom magazine, meets up with Nicol (once again), and tries to play the ukulele.
In this episode, Melanie and Deborah talk about summer travel, knitting projects, and the bird — and attempt to do so in the most descriptive possible way.
In this episode, Melanie and Deborah talk about the baby birds they’re fostering and they visit Lynn and the Village Knitter LYS on Long Island. They also talk about their involvement in the upcoming World Wide Knit In Public Day event in NYC. Deborah talks about her knitting and Melanie …
In this episode, Melanie and Deborah take a trip to the 2015 Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. They stop on the way to visit listener TwinsetJan on her farm. At the show, they talk with Knitallthestuff (Jen), and pop by the Big Springs Farm & Fiber booth (among many others).
In this episode, Melanie recaps some recent travel adventures (including a TV appearance), describes the talk she gave at the Long Island Knitting Guild, interviews some Long Island knitters, brings back a word, and offers tips for travelling with knitting.
The Savvy Girls went to the Dominican Republic!
Here it is, finally: our shamefully overdue (and somewhat abbreviated) episode from the 2014 New York State Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, New York. In this episode, the girls talk to Sheila from Bosworth Spindles, Chris from Into the Whirled, Ron from The Buffalo Wool Co., and listener and super-nice person Alison …