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Malabrigo March

Episode 75 – Homophones and History

As we return to our regularly scheduled programming, the Savvy Girls have a lot to talk about. Deborah’s really excited to move to her next destination. It may not be that exotic, but she’s got a lot to look forward to. Meanwhile, though, she’s got knitting to focus on. During …

Drawing Doggies

Episode 71 – The Knitting Fairy

  As we begin Malabrigo March, the Savvy Girls both have a lot to be excited about. (Not the least of which is the fun surprise they arranged for the podcast!) Savvy Dad drops in to answer some more listener questions. Then, Melanie and Savvy Mom (and some furry helpers) …

Kidsilk Haze yarn

Episode 44 – Kidsilly Haze

A few shows back, we launched a contest to describe the ultimate knitting bag, and we’re happy to announce the winners. Thanks to everyone that entered! Deborah brings back the knitting with an update on her Malabrigo March Knit-Along, a yarn from her stash, and an interesting knitting-related article. Not …

Episode 43 – The Prerogative Of The Harlot

In January, the Girls got the opportunity to talk with famed author and blogger, The Yarn Harlot, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. Listen for the full interview! Deborah’s finally finished her Ruby Red cardigan. The New York run of Melanie’s fringe play has just wrapped up. Thanks to everyone that came out to …

Episode 23 – From the Mouths of Babes

Melanie loses luggage. There was yarn in that bag. It was a tragedy. Melanie and Deborah plan a trip to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. Yay! They also have a visit with listener DebInAtlanta. Deb’s daughter, The Diva, puts us all to shame with a lesson on politeness. Then, …

Episode 21 – March of the Malabrigo

This week… Deborah interviews Mariana from the Malabrigo Factory. (Listen to the interview from her last visit, in Episode 9.) The girls announce the winners of our confession contest, and read a few of their favourite submissions. Thanks to everyone that participated! And, the gerbils drop in to share some …